Tuesday 30 October 2012


we went through many websites and found details offollowing summits for which our team members worked really hard....
  • Sixteenth SAARC Summit (28-29 April, 2010)
  • Indian Youth Summit on Climate Change - Badlaav 2009 (18-23 July, 2009)
  • Durban Climate Change Conference (28 November - 9 December, 2011)
  • Indian Mountain Initiative’s Summit-II (25-26 May, 2012)

    These four summits 2 national and 2 international summits are few among all which took place in past years. 


After performing many tasks under the techfest green campus challenge our team decided to go with no light hour to be conducted in the campus....
This took place on 29-10-2012
A no light hour in the Boys Hostel,Academic block of B.Tech,faculty of Law,football court and basketball court....https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=y_2H7_P5Mr8

Monday 29 October 2012

This picture is when the poster was made ready and people wrote their comments on the poster.
 This is the picture where the green campus poster containing comments from many students about what they feel to save their EARTH and also speak not speak actually write their heart...This poster was put up at the entrance of our B.Tech block which was the highest visible point and it attracted many students...

Lets speak for mother earth

we had a debate today. the topic of the debate was "should more nuclear power plants be established in India. there was an interesting conversation on this topic. there were many interesting and rare points raised by the students.

Lets speak for mother earth

today we had a quiz on environmental issues. it was about the current environmental issues like renewable energies, reduce-reuse-recycle of resources, pollution control, effects of pollution on climatic conditions, saving non-renewable fuels etc.